Project Charter

This Charter sets forth the responsibilities and procedures for contribution to, and oversight of, the KoG Project (the “Project”) within Kaosphere. Contributors to the Project must comply with the terms of the Charter as well as any applicable policies of Kaosphere.

1. The Project Mission

The mission of the Project is to:

  1. Build and maintain a vibrant and inclusive player community;
  2. Establish implementation-agnostic metrics for measuring community activity, contributions, and health;
  3. Support growth and maintainability; and
  4. Optionally keep the game fresh with regular content updates.

2. Governance Board

  1. The Governance Board (the “GB”) shall be responsible for overall oversight of the Project and coordination of the efforts of any Committees and Working Groups.

  2. At inception of the Project, the GB voting members consist of those individuals identified on the Project website or Discord ( Following inception of the Project, the GB will implement procedures and methodologies for the selection of GB voting members from the contributing community.

  3. The GB will encourage transparency (e.g., publish disclosures and reasonable actions).

  4. The GB has the authority to create Committees that may focus on code or non-code efforts to advance the Mission (such as standards, specifications, events, and/or architecture). The Committees of the Project are the “Technical Committee,” responsible for technical oversight of inbound and outbound coding projects and infrastructure, and the “Community Committee,” responsible for community management and the user base and its demands. The GB shall provide coordination of the interrelationship between the Technical and Community Committees.

  5. Working Groups are established and maintained by Project contributors to advance Project work. Working Groups focus on specific events, ethical, and technical issues associated with project health.

  6. Roles: Committees and Working Groups involve Coordinators and Contributors:

    • Contributor: Anyone in the community that contributes code, documentation, or other community activities related to the Project.
    • Coordinator: Contributors who have the ability to commit, approve, deny, or directly change a Project’s repository or service and are responsive to contributions or changes from Contributors.
  7. Participation in the Project, including contributions to any Committee or Working Group, is open to all under the terms of this Charter. The GB has the authority to deny contributions with a valid reason and/or concern.

  8. The GB may:

    • Establish workflow procedures for the submission, approval, and closure/archiving of Committees and projects of Committees.
    • Set requirements for the promotion to or removal from Committee roles, as applicable.
    • Amend, adjust, refine, and/or eliminate the roles as it sees fit.
  9. The GB shall annually elect a GB Chair and GB Co-Chair from representatives involved in the Community Committee. The Chair and Co-Chair will set the agenda and preside over meetings of the GB.

  10. Responsibilities: The GB shall also be responsible for:

    1. Coordinating the direction of the Project.
    2. Establishing any project policies, including for the addition and removal of Coordinators and documenting any requirements.
    3. Approving project or system proposals (including, but not limited to, incubation, deprecation, and changes to a project’s charter or scope).
    4. Establishing policies related to intellectual property.
    5. Creating Committees to focus on cross-project issues and requirements.
    6. Facilitating communication and collaboration among Committees.
    7. Appointing representatives to work with other communities.
    8. Establishing community norms, workflows, or policies including processes for contributing (to be published on the Project website), issuing releases.
    9. Discussing, seeking consensus, and where necessary, voting on matters relating to community health and technical decisions that affect multiple projects.
    10. Coordinating any marketing, events, technical, financial, or communications with Kaosphere.

Responsibilities Process Diagram

graph LR GB[Governing Board] TC[Technical Committee] CC[Community Committee] WGs[Working Groups] GB --> TC GB --> CC TC --> WGs CC --> WGs WGs --> Contributors WGs --> Coordinators

3. GB Voting

  1. While it is the goal of the Project to operate as a consensus-based community, if any GB or Committee decision requires a vote to move forward, the respective voting members shall vote on a one vote per voting member basis.

  2. Quorum for GB and Committee meetings requires two-thirds of all voting members of the GB or a Committee, as applicable. The GB or any Committee may continue to meet if quorum is not met but are prevented from making any decisions at the meeting. If quorum is not met, a second meeting with the same agenda can be called after two weeks to which quorum will become half of all voting members.

  3. Except as provided in Section 8.b(iv) and 9.a, decisions by vote at a meeting shall require a majority vote of those in attendance, provided quorum is met. Decisions made by electronic vote without a meeting shall require a majority of all voting members of the GB or a Committee, as applicable.

  4. In the event a vote cannot be resolved within a Committee, the GB may decide the matter. In the event that any vote cannot be resolved by the GB, any voting member on the GB is entitled to refer the matter to Kaosphere for assistance in reaching a decision.

gantt dateFormat MM-DD title Annual GB Chair and Co-Chair Election Timeline section Election Process Nomination Period :a1, 01-01, 01-14 Candidate Presentations:a2, 01-15, 01-21 Voting Period :a3, 01-22, 01-28 Results Announcement :a4, after a3, 1d

4. Code of Conduct

  1. The GB may adopt a fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory Project code of conduct, with approval from Kaosphere as outlined below.
  2. The Project will operate in a transparent, open, collaborative, and ethical manner at all times.
  3. The output of all Project discussions, proposals, timelines, decisions, and status will be made open and easily visible to all.
  4. The current Project code of conduct can be found at

5. Budget and Funding

  1. The GB will coordinate any budget or funding needs with Kaosphere. Organizations participating may be solicited to sponsor Project activities and infrastructure needs on a voluntary basis.
  2. The Project will not raise any funds and will be supported on a volunteer basis by the Project participants.
  3. Under no circumstances will Kaosphere be expected or required to undertake any action on behalf of the Project that is inconsistent with the tax-exempt purpose of Kaosphere.

6. General Rules and Operations

The Project should:

  1. Engage in the work of the project in a professional manner consistent with maintaining a cohesive community, while also maintaining the goodwill and esteem of Kaosphere in the community.
  2. Respect the rights of all trademark owners, including any branding and usage guidelines.
  3. Engage Kaosphere for all Project press and analyst relations activities.
  4. Upon request, provide information regarding Project participation, including information regarding attendance at Project-sponsored events, to Kaosphere.
  5. Coordinate with Kaosphere in relation to any websites created directly for the Project.